ATARA Makine, the foundation of which was laid by Mustafa SARI in 2007; It has become one of the leading companies in the region and the world in electricity, automation, packaging and palletizing solutions. ATARA Makine continues its efforts at full speed to produce complete and continuous solutions for our clients using the latest technologies in industrial automation, electrical, electronics and mechanics. Og, Ag, Mcc, Plc. Producing machinery and equipment for level measuring sensors and sensors, flour - fodder - bran - pulses packing scales, yield scales, automatic tempering system, flow meters, flow scales, automatic mixing systems etc. ATARA, which adopts the principle of producing high quality products and providing you with the best service by following the latest developments in technology; They are distinguished by their unique machine designs, in their designs they adopted the principle of manufacturing efficient machines suitable for industrial conditions. Through research and development within our company has obtained more than 10 atara makine patents for its products with unique property of machining and machinery, in order to supply better and hassle-free service. We thank you for your constant trust and support so far. For our valued customers, our company's principle is to provide production in accordance with international standards and norms, and to provide hassle-free service without borders. Akdeniz makine Bölgesindeki İller.
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ATARA Makine continues its efforts at full speed to produce complete and continuous solutions for our clients using the latest technologies in industrial automation, electrical, electronics and mechanics. Og, Ag, Mcc, Plc. Producing machinery and equipment for level measuring sensors and sensors, flour - fodder - bran - pulses packing scales, yield scales, automatic tempering system, flow meters, flow scales, automatic mixing systems etc. ATARA, which adopts the principle of producing high quality products and providing you with the best service by following the latest developments in technology; They are distinguished by their unique machine designs, in their designs they adopted the principle of manufacturing efficient machines suitable for industrial conditions. Through research and development within our company has obtained more than 10 patents for its products with unique property of machining and machinery, in order to supply better and hassle-free service. We thank you for your constant trust and support so far. For our valued customers, our company's principle is to provide production in accordance with international standards and norms, and to provide hassle-free service without borders. We will continue to produce and pursue technology to provide the best services.
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